Trail of the Firewriter…
2010 Road Trip: Day Forty-two

Day-forty-two is my birthday. It is a quiet Monday. Today I start the second half of my life. I took an assessment of where I have been in the last seventy five years. The journey has been outstanding, so far. I was blessed with a wonderful wife and five of the most special children in the world. The friends I met along the way are still fun to be with, although their ranks are thinning. To be a Firefighter was a gift from God. I give thanks everyday when I say my prayers. Body-wise I am in reasonable shape. My skin sags a little as I blow up like a balloon then diet back down to fit into my clothes. My forehead has grown larger as my hair moves to the back of the bus. There is also a spot at the back of my head where an ever larger patch of skin is growing. I know where the hair is disappearing to. It is appearing in my ears and on my nose. I now have to shave my nose and ears along with my face in the morning. I have a touch of arthritis but I can still play golf and dance. When I get out of a chair I have to use my arms to help my legs.  The plumbing system is still in working order and I still enjoy the company of pretty ladies. My favorite fruit is now prunes. I believe I am ready for whatever is ahead in life. I have started to write books. It has brought special people into my life. People like Marilyn Meredith, Joyce Foy Spizer, Sarah Cortez, Keith Bettinger and all the folks in the Public Safety Writers Association. I have found that every person has a story but not many take the time to write about it. The best stories are not fiction; they are based on true events. I met a lady, Mary Ellen Jones, who used to be the producer for the Wayons Brothers TV show. Her experiences, with those guys, were hilarious. She said it was like trying to keep track of a group of young otters.

I stayed in the casino all day. I lost a $100 of the $300 I won at the dice table. I finished 10th in the poker tournament. I ended the day at Friday’s Bar in the Casino. I sat next to two chubby black girls from L.A. They were drinking margaritas out of those two foot high glasses. They were giggly and fun to talk to. Tashawna wanted to do a book about her life and her girl friend, Mary, said she had an interesting life too. They took my card and said they would e-mail me. I ordered a shot of Southern Comfort, for the three of us. The girls from LA and I clinked glasses and they wished me happy birthday. It was a great day and I thanked the lord for my blessings. Being an optimist, I am ready to start my second 75 years.       

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"Fire Horses" book authored by firefighter R.J. Haig.


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